Entries by Doug Minor

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Your Mortgage and Trended Data Credit Reports

The phrase trended credit data may not mean much to you now. But if you’re shopping for a home loan anytime soon, it will. Also referred to as historical, longitudinal or time-series data, it basically means that credit underwriters will be looking at a lot more information when they scrutinize your credit profile. Are you […]

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Should you be a cosigner? When being a cosigner can go wrong–and how you can avoid problems

Maybe you’ve been approached by a family member to co-sign on a loan. Should you do it? As general advice, the answer would be no—just don’t do it! Here’s something I’ve said many times as I counsel consumers or speak to groups: Think of your credit profile as analogous to your fingerprint. It’s unique to […]


Your Mortgage and Trended Data Credit Reports

Your Mortgage and Trended Data Credit Reports The phrase trended credit data may not mean much to you now. But if you’re shopping for a home loan anytime soon, it will. Also referred to as historical, longitudinal or time-series data, it basically means that credit underwriters will be looking at a lot more information when […]